Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Last Day

Today is my last full day in Seattle, and I have this eery feeling that I have forgotten tons of important things and will somehow manage to leave home without packing underwear or something. Also, news has reached me that a hoard of Mergaerts will be arriving tonight and I have yet to pack anything, so time to hop to it I guess.

In regards to India, well it is seems less and less like a dream everyday, but even while sitting here less than two day from arrival it is hard to fully understand what awaits me, and I suppose that will probably be the case until I'm there. How can one that hasn't experienced something like India possibly prepare in fully before hand. It seems like an impossible task. However I like to think that my particular brand of India obsessiveness will soften the cultural shock. I keep telling myself that I was fine in Britain. I researched and obsessed so I knew what to expect. That isn't to say however that Mumbai and London are the same type of city, or that India and the UK require the same type of preparedness, but an open and educated mind seems to be the best weapon against culture shock and homesickness. Let's hope it works!

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