Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Everything I thought and knew it would be, and everything I didn't. There is so much here it is impossible to convey accurately the feel, the sound, the smell of India, it is something that can only be experienced first hand. What I can say is that it is not for the faint of heart or mind, just walking down that street is a test of your fortitude. All the people, especially men, stare openly at you whether they be on the street, in a car, rickshaw or on a motorbike (which are super common here), it was at first extremely unnerving even to the point of not wanting to go walk around. As I say this I should add that they are not staring at me so much as they are staring at the people around me, my fellow students. Because I have such dark skin I blend in a lot and was even asked in a shop if I was Indian. Wow, I wish! It would be so awesome to be part of this complex people. Anyway, streets... they are not only unnerving because of the people on and around them, but because sidewalk are optional here. Sometimes there is a really nice sidewalk with kind of consistent paving, but then it will just end in a pile unused bricks or a piece of metal will suddenly emerge.

Enough about streets, India is awesome! I love it. It is really scary and intimidating but so fascinating. Today I had an awesome mocha at a western style coffee shop then walked half a block, passed two or three tin and plaster houses and then arrived at the end of the block at the istore. Such contrast and such disparity that it is very  very hard to understand and approach.

Despite all of these aspects, there are some comforts in the city. Mostly, the city is pretty western by Indian standards because it is a huge center for higher learning and IT. There are tons of young people walking around in western clothes and carrying backpacks or driving very nice, new cars and motorbikes. What was especially lovely today was the coffee shop. The mocha that I had could have competed with the best of Seattle.

Dinner is soon, I will continue this later.

Love from India

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