Saturday, September 25, 2010


to homesickness
  1. Blackadder
  2. Nerds
  3. Fawlty Towers
  4. Sweet tarts
  5. Random Documentary about Rome
  6. Talking to Nina on facebook
  7. Talking to Kate, Meagan, and Marissa simultaneously on facebook :)
  8. King Size Kit Kat bar which was lugged half way across the world only to discover that a) India has already got Kit Kat bars and b) the Kit Kat bar has melted beyond recognition
to the flu
  1. Never, ever going to the doctor!
  2. Not taking Tamiflu, or the dozen other medicines prescribed
  3. A good helping of sleep and liquids
  4. Perhaps more Blackadder
to sickness caused by Tamiflu
  1. not taking Tamiflu
  2. other (as yet undiscovered)

And the best solution to all problems,

       Talking to my mother daily over email

Love from India

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