Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Sickness of the body while away from home is one of the worst things that can happen to a traveler, in part because it leads to sickness of the heart, which, unlike the body, is hard to repair.

Due to a weeks worth of festivities, my body by last Saturday was shot to pieces. Though I tried my best to resist it, I succumbed to a terrible fever and was forced to stay in bed all weekend. By the time the doctor's office was open on Monday, I was almost fully recovered and wanted nothing more than to return to school, my routine, and my friends. Being a cautious lady she decided that I wasn't allowed back until I saw her on Wednesday. School is closed on Thursday because Ganesh was submerged the day before, so that means that my first potential day of school was Friday. FRIDAY! One day, far in the future it seemed. Ah, but how very very wrong I was I would soon learn.

During my sickness I lay in bed thinking about how nice it would be to not be in this particular place, how lovely it would be to be at home and surrounded by my family, my things, my food, and how much I would give to go back there. I told myself that this was quite natural, who wouldn't want all these things when ill, but once the worst had passed, and still I had this feeling, I was suspicious.

After that unproductive doctor's visit, my host mother and I ran out to get the copious amounts of medicine prescribed to me. Little did I know that they would do more harm than good, upon taking the first dose Monday night I became became ill again.This time however it was not the flu, but an awful stomach ache accompanied by everything else the Pepto-Bismol bottle so gloriously describes. Unfortunately, despite my symptoms, I am required by the doctor to finish some of the pills. I know very well that I should finish them, that to not do so could create supper bugs in my body and lead to antibiotic resistance, but I really don't know if I care anymore. I just want not to be sick and alone in this room anymore.

To add insult to injury, a terror alert has been issued for Americans in India, so no school on Friday now. Great. And to top it off I will be alone until Monday because apparently there is a beach trip that know one told me about or bothered to sign me up for, so now my roommate will be gone for four days with half of ACM and I have another lonely weekend, devoid of any amusement, to look forward to.

It is at times like these that one's heart gets so sick with home that crying seems to be the only relief. I had done so, so well till now, I had not even thought of home in that way, not shed a single tear. But now I find that it is all to hard not to sit on my bed and cry. I have an awful feeling that now the flood gates have opened they will be hard to close, so although my body may recover I will continue to miss home until I am there again, wrapped in my mothers embrace.

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey, I'm so sorry you feel so awful. With any luck you'll get well enough by this weekend so that you can try looking around the city independently. That would take your mind off your homesickness. And I know it's rough to be without your mom, but this is a good opportunity to get closer to your host mom. I bet she'd love to help you through this.
    I also feel certain that once your illness is completely behind you and you're in the thick of classes, the homesickness will abate.
    Finally, since I can't be there to give you a hug, these fine fellows can sing to you:

